Asian Massage in Las Vegas to Prevent Injuries
Injury prevention massage for me is like meditation. It’s about clearing out my mind and being as present in the moment as I can possibly be. Anyone can go like this (makes a kneading motion). But it’s your presence and connection that makes the work profound.
I try reading little signs of discomfort. I might sense that a client is steering me away from a particular area. Or a facial expression can give me a clue. I try not to get frustrated with someone’s difficulty in letting go. People have the most trouble letting go in their pelvic structure — their butt and hips. And when they’re struggling, I’m thinking, Come on, let it go, let it go. When I sense someone finally loosening up, I say to myself, Yeah! and now I can work on my injury prevention massage.
Myofascial release technique is used in Asian Massage in Las Vegas
Myofascial release is a manual technique for stretching the fascia to bring the body back into equilibrium. Your fascia is a continuous network of connective tissue that covers and connects the muscles, organs, and skeletal systems in your body. It is placed between the skin and the underlying muscle and bone structure. Injuries, stress, trauma, and poor posture may all create fascia restriction, and myofascial release aims to release fascia restriction and repair fascia tissue.
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