Quick Back and Neck Massage Las Vegas
Tense shoulders, kinky neck, headaches, back pain. Using firm pressure, soothing strokes and stretches to the back, neck and shoulders area, a quick back and neck massage session can help reduce tension get rid of minor aches.
Quick Back and Neck Massage Las Vegas is designed to concentrate on tension built up in the muscles of the back, neck and shoulders, so the benefits can be achieved in a shorter period of time. Using pressure points and stretches to target the source of the pain you will notice the difference from the first treatment.
For quick back and neck massage You can choose to have your treatment on the massage table ( we bring upon request ) as usual or you may want to have it on a massage chair without the need to remove your clothes and without using oils.

Types of Back Pain:
ACUTE – this is where your back pain lasts for less than 3 months, and
CHRONIC – this is where your back pain develops gradually over time, lasts more than 3 months, and causes long-term problems.
The complex structure of your lower back means that quite small amounts of damage to any of the structures of the back can cause a lot of pain and discomfort.
Pain in the lower back is a symptom of stress or damage to your ligaments, muscles, tendons or discs. In some cases the back pain can spread to the buttocks and thighs.
Most cases the back will heal itself and staying active and continuing with your usual activities will normally promote healing.
In severe and persistent cases it is important to seek medical advice so that a correct diagnosis can be reached and appropriate treatment given, as treatment may depend on the underlying cause in some cases. For example, pain caused by some types of arthritis may be treated by specific medicines.